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성경 설교자는 성경뿐만 아니라 여러 가지 주석을 봅니다.
설교자에게 큰 도움이 되는 성경 자료 중 하나는 <Biblical illustrator>입니다,
이것은 원래 34,000페이지의 자료를 56권의 책에 모은 것입니다. 개인이 성경을 읽고 경건 시간을 가지는 데 매우 유용합니다. 물론 설교 준비에도 큰 도움이 됩니다.
풀핏 주석을 지은 엑셀(Joseph S. Exell)은 무디(Dwight L. Moody), 스펄전(Charles Spurgeon), 라일(J. C. Ryle), 핫지(Charles Hodge), 매클라렌(Alexander MacLaren), 헨리(Matthew Henry) 등 유명한 설교자/저술가들의 글을 모아 놓았습니다.
이 안에는 성경의 거의 모든 절에 대해 다음이 들어 있습니다.
• 예(illustrations)
다음 사이트에서 이 자료를 볼 수 있습니다.
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이런 자료를 통해 성경이 풍성하게 해석되고 읽히고 삶에 적용되면 좋겠습니다.
As described by Bible Support: Joseph S. Exell edited and compiled the 23 volume Biblical Illustrator commentary. He was the co-editor of the famous Pulpit Commentary (this commentary is even larger than the Pulpit Commentary). This remarkable work is the triumph of a life devoted to Biblical research and study. Assisted by a small army of students, the Exell set draws on the rich stores of great minds since the beginning of New Testament times. -- The Biblical Illustrator brings Scripture to life in a unique, illuminating way. While other commentaries explain a Bible passage doctrinally, this work illustrates the Bible with a collection of illustrations of use, outlines, anecdotes, history, poems, expositions, geography, sermons, Bible backgrounds and homiletics for nearly every verse in the Bible. This massive commentary was originally intended for preachers needing help with sermon preparation. But today, the Biblical Illustrator provides life application, illumination, inspiration, doctrine, devotion, and practical content for all who teach, preach, and study the Bible. -- The Biblical Illustrator includes material from hundreds of famous authors of the day.
Most of the content of this commentary is illustrative in nature, and includes from hundreds of famous authors of the day such as Dwight L. Moody, Charles Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, Charles Hodge, Alexander MacLaren, Adam Clark, Matthew Henry, and many more. The collection also includes lesser known authors published in periodicles and smaller publications popular in that ara. Unlike modern publishers, Exell was apparently not under any pressure to consolidate the number of pages. While this commentary is not known for its Greek or Hebrew exposition, the New Testament includes hundreds of references to, and explanations of, Greek words.
Joseph S. Exell edited and compiled the 56 volume Biblical Illustrator commentary. You will recognize him as the co-editor of the famous Pulpit Commentary (this commentary is even larger than the Pulpit Commentary). This remarkable work is the triumph of a life devoted to Biblical research and study. Assisted by a small army of students, the Exell draws on the rich stores of great minds since the beginning of New Testament times.
The Biblical Illustrator brings Scripture to life in a unique, illuminating way. While other commentaries explain a Bible passage doctrinally, this work illustrates the Bible with a collection of:
•illustrations for nearly every verse in the Bible. This massive commentary was originally intended for preachers needing help with sermon preperation (because who else in that day had time to wade through such a lengthy commentary?). But today, the Biblical Illustrator provides life application, illumination, inspiriation, doctrine, devotion, and practical content for all who teach, preach, and study the Bible. |