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영생은 이것이니 곧 그들이 유일하신 참 하나님인 아버지와 아버지께서 보내신 자 예수 그리스도를 아는 것이니이다.
(요한복음 17장 3절)

  • Where We'll Never Grow Old조회수 : 7302
    • 작성자 : 관리자
    • 작성일 : 2009년 5월 1일 10시 40분 59초
  • Where We'll Never Grow Old
    I have heard of a land on the faraway strand this a beautiful home of the soul
    Built by Jesus on high there we never shall die
    This the land where we'll never grow old
    Never grow old never grow old in the land where we'll never grow old
    Never grow old never grow old in the land where we'll never grow old
    [ piano ]
    When our work here is done and the life's crown is won
    And our troubles and trials are o'er
    All our sorrow will end and our voices will blend
    With the loved ones who've gone on before
    Never grow old...
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