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  • 전체게시글 검색


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영생은 이것이니 곧 그들이 유일하신 참 하나님인 아버지와 아버지께서 보내신 자 예수 그리스도를 아는 것이니이다.
(요한복음 17장 3절)

  • He will조회수 : 16786
    • 작성자 : 관리자
    • 작성일 : 2009년 5월 1일 11시 12분 45초
  • He will
    He will open up the doorway you never knew was there
    He will show you many things you knew not hour
    He will let you know he listens to your every prayer
    He will save you by the mercy of His love.
    He will guide you through life battles, He will give you power
    He will answer when you call Him night or day
    He will shine His light upon you in the darkest hour
    He will love you and go with you all the way.
    He will take you by the hand and lead you as you would a child
    Down the straight and narrow aisle to satan's mill
    He will take you when the time is right and in just a little while
    He will love you and go with you all the way.
    He will give you life eternal
    He will
    He will...
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