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영생은 이것이니 곧 그들이 유일하신 참 하나님인 아버지와 아버지께서 보내신 자 예수 그리스도를 아는 것이니이다.
(요한복음 17장 3절)

  • Why Do I Sing About Jesus조회수 : 16422
    • 작성자 : 관리자
    • 작성일 : 2012년 2월 16일 10시 49분 9초
  • Why Do I Sing About Jesus
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    Martha Reed Garvin on her Musical Memories TV program performs the hymn "Why Do I Sing About Jesus". I've included the words below so you can sing along with her!
    Why Do I Sing About Jesus
    Words & Music: Albert A. Ketchum

    Why do I sing about Jesus?
    Why is He precious to me?
    He is my Lord and my Savior,
    Dying, He set me free!

    Deep in my heart there's a gladness;
    Jesus has saved me from sin!
    Praise to His name, what a Savior!
    Cleansing without and within!

    Only a glimpse of His goodness,
    That was sufficient for me.
    Only one look at the Savior;
    Then was my spirit set free.

    He is the fairest of fair ones;
    He is the Lily, the Rose.
    Rivers of mercy surround Him;
    Grace, love and pity He shows.
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