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모든 성경 기록은 하나님의 영감으로 주신 것으로 교리와 책망과 바로잡음과 의로 교육하기에 유익하니
(디모데후서 3장 16절)

  • 십일조 랩(Tithe Rap)조회수 : 14803
    • 작성자 : 김재근
    • 작성일 : 2011년 7월 2일 17시 1분 15초
  • 정말 별 것이 다 있네요. 교회에서 좋은 음악이 정말 절실한 시대입니다.
    근데 주의하세요. 랩이 은근히 중독성 있습니다.
    열심히 십일조하면 복받는다는 내용입니다.

    Tithe Rap


     Every day in the mail I get nothin’ but bills

    I could rap all day ‘bout my financial ills

    Money comes in and goes right back out

    I know you know what I’m talkin’ about.

    My wife just keeps crankin’ up the heat

    And three times every day those kids wanna eat!


    But listen up now to what I got to say:

    What I do every Friday when I get my pay

    Before I buy the groceries or pay the rent

    I gotta give God His full ten percent!

    He gives me a hundred, I give back ten

    I’m blessed all day from beginning to end.


    I ain’t got a clue what tomorrow gonna bring

    But I know who’s the giver of all good things

    He’s got the 4-1-1 on all my needs

    God’s got it all covered so it ain’t on me.

    Give it straight off the top, that’s the way it’s gotta be

    And everything’s good between God and me.


    When I say a hundred, you say 10!


    (response) 10!


    (response) 10!


    It ain’t complicated, lemme give you a hint

    A tithe ain’t nothin’ but ten percent

    I may not be the sharpest dude in the joint

    But I know how to move a decimal point

    I’m a tither now, that’s how I roll

    I’m a grateful child on the Father’s dole.


    Now you know how to do it, what’s your excuse?

    You can’t play God’s money fast and loose

    Where’s your heart? Just follow the cash

    I’m storing mine up in a heavenly stash.

    When God gives you a hundred, give back ten

    And be blessed all day from beginning to end.

    [이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2012-07-21 15:29:29 자유게시판에서 이동 됨]
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